Desktop Contactless Reader RFID ed NFC per Smart & Contact Card ID-1
 ISO 7816. ISO 14443-A/-B, NFC (Near Field Communication) e Calypso. Smart Payment EMVco Level 1 ready
Standard Contactless Reader Contact Smart Card  Comunicazione Host / Modalità Operative Performance / Antenna Special Features

RFID in Banda HF – 13,56 Mhz

ISO 14443-A/-B, NFC, Calypso (ticketing)

Smart Card
ISO 7816
Formato Card ID-1
RS232, Ethernet RJ45, USB
Host mode
Contactless Reader
fino a 10 cm.
ntenna integrata
EMVco level 1 tested

Display Grafico LCD (128 x 64 dots)

Modulo SAM formato ID000


Contactless Reader RFID onTop-S - pagamento Tap&GO con Visa Credit Card

Contacless Reader RFID HF ed NFC serie OBID myAXXESS per  Contacless Card e Smart Card a contatto ISO 7816, EMVco level 1 ready (carte di credito Tap and Go) e Smart Phone NFC

Socket per Security Access Modules (SAM) –  Desktop con display grafico LCD

Famiglia ClassicPro standard ISO 14443-A/-B, NFC (Near Field Communication) e Calypso per RFID Contacless Payment, Fidelity, carte pre-pagate, check-in, POS, applicazioni Custom, ATM nei trasporti, Parcheggi, etc…

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Logo OBID by FEIG Electronic - Welcome to RFID

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