High Performance Long Range RFID Reader UHF EPC – ISC.LRU3500 – Ethernet PoE (Max. RF 4 Watt) | ||||
Frequenza | Standard | Comunicazione | Performance / Antenne | Modalità Operative |
RFID in Banda UHF EPC 865-868 MHz (EU) 902-928 MHz (FCC) |
UHF EPC Class1 Gen2 ISO 18000-6 |
RS232, RS485, Ethernet PoE, USB-Slave, USB-Host (WLAN or Memory) | Fino a 15 metri 4 x antenne esterne (SMA – 50 Ohm); Multiplexer integrato |
ISO Host Mode, Scan Mode, Buffering Mode, Lan Notification Mode |
High Performance Long Range RFID Reader UHF multi-protocollo di terza generazione per la lettura/scrittura transponders UHF EPC (860 – 960 MHz) – Potenza RF massima 4 Watt. Power Over Ethernet. CPU Linux per Applicazioni On Board.
Famiglia OBID by FEIG Electronic, Standard ISO 18000-6 UHF EPC per applicazioni di logistica, industria, controllo di processo, smart parking, etc… |
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ISC.LRU3500 Long Range reader RFID UHF e Tag UHF EPC
I Long Range RFID Reader UHF ISC.LRU3500 e ISC.LRU3000 di FEIG Electronic aprono nuove frontiere all’UHF: performaces all’avanguardia, con distanze di lettura potenziate, facile implementazione con numerose interfacce host, CPU con sistema operativo Linux a bordo e features tecniche aggiuntive tra cui Power over Ethernet (PoE) ed RSSI Data Readout per localizzare ed identificare i tag UHF.
L‘elevata potenza in uscita (max. 4W) consente di compensare la perdita di segnale con cavi d’antenna di elevata lunghezza (fino a 30 mtr. con cavi a bassa perdita)
Gate solutions are often realized with Long Range Readers due to their ability to connect maximum four antennas with the reader. Typical applications are ingoing and outgoing goods inspection or time measurement at bicycle- or motorcycle races.
Furthermore UHF Long Range RFID Readers are used for vehicle access control or impulse generator for opening industrial gates.
- Robust metal housing for use in industrial environment
- Interfacce Host: RS232, RS485, Ethernet PoE, USB-Slave, USB-Host.
- Power over Ethernet (PoE). Porta USB host per WLAN-Stick o chiavetta di memoria di massa esterna.
- Potenza RF: da 300 mW a max. 4 Watt – da 300 mW a max. 1 Watt (PoE).
- Connettori per antenne esterne multiplexate: 4 x SMA femmina (50 Ohm).
- Performance di lettura e scrittura fino a 16 metri (dipende da Tag ed Antenne).
- Funzioni di Anti collisione (lettura multipla di etichette).
- Controller per tag standard UHF EPC ISO 18000-6.
- Modalità operative: ISO Host Mode, Scan Mode (HID), Buffered Read Mode e Notification Mode.
- Identification of up to 330 Tags / Second in Dense Reader Mode
- Output: 2 x Digitali Opto-isolati max. 24 VDC/30 mA – 3 x Relays max. 24 VDC/1 A switching current, 2 A permanent current.
- Input: 5 x Digitali Opto-isolati da 5 VDC a 10 VDC/20 mA – max. 24 VDC/20 mA con resistenze esterne in serie.
- Classe di protezione IP 53, IP 64 (con protection cap – opzionale).
- CPU con Linux Operating System (Kernel 3.0) per applicazioni custom On Board – 64 MB RAM, 256 MB FLASH
- Altre caratteristiche: RF-channel monitoring, Antenna SWR control, internal overheating control, Anti-Collision, Real Time Clock, RSSI.
- Firmware upgradabile attraverso Flash-EEPROM
- ID ISC.LRU3000-A – Fixed Long Range Reader RFID UHF High Performance. Operating Frequency: 865 to 868 MHz (EU) EPC Class 1 Gen 2 – ISO 18000-6. Radio Regulation: EN 302 208 (Europa). High speed anti-collision. DRM (Dense Reader Mode). Interface: RS232, RS485, Ethernet, USB, USB-Host for WLAN dongle or memory. RF Power: Max. 2 Watt. 8 LED for diagnosis & antenna status. Outputs: 2 Optocoupler 24 VDC & 3 Relays 24 VDC/1A. Inputs: 5 Optocoupler max. 24 VDC / 20 mA. Antenna connection: 4 x SMA external multiplexed. ACC with Linux operating system for on-board application (64 Mb Ram, 256 Mb Flash). Host protocols: FEIG ISO Host, Scan Mode, Buffered Read Mode, Notification Mode & Tag filtering. Low Noise Transmitter & High receiver sensitivity for an enlarged & homogeneous tag detection range. Range up to 10 mtr. Full support for the UHF Multiplexer ID ISC.ANT.UMUX. Readout of RSSI data for localization of identified transponders.
- ID ISC.LRU3500-A – Fixed Long Range Reader RFID UHF High Performance PoE. Operating Frequency: 865 to 868 MHz (EU) EPC Class 1 Gen 2 – ISO 18000-6. Radio Regulation: EN 302 208 (Europa). High speed anti-collision. DRM (Dense Reader Mode). Interface: RS232, RS485, Ethernet PoE (Power over Ethernet), USB, USB-Host for WLAN dongle or memory. RF Power: Max. 4 Watt. 8 LED for diagnosis & antenna status. Outputs: 2 Optocoupler 24 VDC & 3 Relays 24 VDC/1A. Inputs: 5 Optocoupler max. 24 VDC / 20 mA. Antenna connection: 4 x SMA external multiplexed. ACC with Linux operating system for on-board application (64 Mb Ram, 256 Mb Flash). Host protocols: FEIG ISO Host, Scan Mode, Buffered Read Mode, Notification Mode & Tag filtering. Low Noise Transmitter & High receiver sensitivity for an enlarged & homogeneous tag detection range. Range up to 15 mtr. Full support for the UHF Multiplexer ID ISC.ANT.UMUX. Readout of RSSI data for localization of identified transponders.
- ID ISC.LR.CSC-IP64 Connector Sealing Cap per Long Range reader RFID UHF: ISC.LRU1002, ISC.LRU3000 & ISC.LRU3500.
- ID ISC.LRU3x00-MS Mounting Rail Set per Long Range reader RFID UHF: ISC.LRU1002, ISC.LRU3000 & ISC.LRU3500.
Per le caratteristiche tecniche e gli sbocchi applicativi l’apparato Long Range RFID reader UHF può operare con:
- ID ISC.ANT.UMUX UHF RF 8-channel Multiplexer. Operating frequency: 860 – 960 MHz. Communication between reader and Multiplexer via antenna cable. High switching rate (< 1ms). Protection class: IP30. 12 Leds for active channel & diagnosis.
- ID ISC.ANT.U170/170-EU Antenna UHF. Circular polarized Panel Antenna for operating frequencies in the UHF ranges 865-870 MHz (Optimized for EU Region). Gain: 4.0 dBic @ 866 MHz. Width (3 dB beam): 85° x 85°. Protection class IP65. Antenna connection SMA socket (50 Ohm). Housing ASA-ABS Light grey. Dimensions (WxHxD): 170x170x25 mm. Weight: 270 g.
- ID ISC.ANT.U270/270-EU Antenna UHF. Circular polarized Panel Antenna for operating frequencies in the UHF ranges 865-870 MHz (Optimized for EU Region). Gain: 9.0 dBic @ 866 MHz. Width (3 dB beam): 65° x 65°. Protection class IP65. Antenna connection SMA socket (50 Ohm). Housing ASA-ABS Light grey. Dimensions (WxHxD): 270x270x57 mm. Weight: 1.210 g.
- ID ISC.ANT.U600/270-EU Antenna UHF. Circular polarized Panel Antenna for operating frequencies in the UHF ranges 865-870 MHz (Optimized for EU Region). Gain: 11.0 dBic @ 866 MHz. Width (3 dB beam): 65° x 30°. Protection class IP65. Antenna connection SMA socket (50 Ohm). Housing ASA-ABS Light grey. Dimensions (WxHxD): 590x270x57 mm. Weight: 2.200 g.
- ID ISC.PRHD102-USB-EU HF/UHF – USB Handheld Dual Frequency Controller. Combined HF / UHF Multi-tag Handheld Reader with integrated HF and UHF antenna (linear polarized). Interface: USB (HID,12 Mbit); 2,5 m cable. Read Range: UHF up to 180 cm. – HF up to 18 cm. (depending on tag). Protection class: IP 30. Power supply (max. 500 mA): USB – High Powered Interface. Supported transponders: HF – ISO 15693, UHF EPC Gen2. Reader modes: FEIG ISO Host Mode, Scan Mode, Keyboard Emulation
Il nuovo e robusto design consente l’installazione in vari ambienti industriali sia indoor che outdoor. Long Range RFID Reader UHF multi-protocollo di terza generazione per la lettura/scrittura transponders UHF EPC – CPU Linux per Applicazioni On Board. Nuove frontiere all’UHF: performaces all’avanguardia, con distanze di lettura potenziate, facile implementazione con numerose interfacce host, sistema Linux a bordo ed features tecniche aggiuntive, tra cui Power over Ethernet (PoE) ed RSSI Data Readout per localizzare ed identificare i tag UHF.
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